Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Parrot and Lobster at CHEP 2015

CCL students gave two poster presentations at the annual Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP) conference in Japan.  Both represent our close collaboration with the CMS HEP group at Notre Dame:

Haiyan Meng presented A Case Study in Preserving a High Energy Physics Application.  This poster describes the complexity of preserving a non-trivial application, the shows how Parrot packaging technology can be used to capture a program's
dependencies, and then re-execute it using a variety of technologies.

Anna Woodard and Matthias Wolf won the best poster presentation award for Exploiting Volatile Opportunistic Computing Resources with Lobster, which was rewarded with a lightning plenary talk.  Lobster is an analysis workload management system which has been able to harness 10-20K opportunistic cores at a time for large workloads at Notre Dame, making the facility comparable in size to the dedicated Tier-2 facilities of the WLCG!

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