Thursday, May 14, 2020

REU Project: Coffea + Work Queue

This spring, undergraduate researchers Zoe Surma and Emily Strout worked to integrate the Coffea data analysis framework for high energy physics with the Work Queue distributed execution framework from the CCL.  Zoe presented initial results from testing at the Coffea user's meeting last week.  We are seeing some good scaling behavior, but there is still some tuning needed to go to large scale.  Many thanks to Lindsay Grey and the Coffea team for help and support.  The next step is to get this up and running on the CMS HTCondor cluster at Notre Dame!

Monday, May 4, 2020

CCTools version 7.1.5 released

The Cooperative Computing Lab is pleased to announce the release of version 7.1.5 of the Cooperative Computing Tools including Parrot, Chirp, JX, Makeflow, WorkQueue, and other software.

The software may be downloaded here:

This is a minor release with some new features and bug fixes. Among them:

  • [General]   Support scripts to execute tasks inside python environments. (Tim Shaffer, T.J. Dasso)
  • [General]   Fix problem with python 2.7 bindings and unicode support. (Ben Tovar)
  • [Parrot]    Kill all processes when initial ptrace attachment fails. (Ben Tovar)
  • [WorkQueue] Adds work_queue_factory python interface. (Tim Shaffer)

Thanks goes to the contributors for many features, bug fixes, and tests:

  • Cami Carballo
  • T.J. Dasso
  • Nathaniel Kremer-Herman
  • Tim Shaffer
  • Emily Strout
  • Zoe Surma
  • Douglas Thain
  • Ben Tovar
  • Yifan Yu

Please send any feedback to the CCTools discussion mailing list:
