Monday, November 13, 2017

CCL at Supercomputing 2017

We are well represented at the annual Supercomputing conference this week:

Tim Shaffer is presenting "Taming Metadata Storms in Parallel Filesystems with MetaFS" at the Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW).  This paper describes a technique for accelerating metadata-intensive program loading workloads that often cause trouble in parallel filesystems.

Kyle Sweeney is presenting "Lightweight Container Integration into Workflow Systems: A Case Study with Singularity and Makeflow" at Workflows in Support of Large Scale Science (WORKS).  This talk explains why integrating containers into workflows isn't as simple as it first appears, and describes a variety of approaches for assembling complete applications from containers and data.

Charles Zheng is presenting "Wharf: Sharing Docker Images across Hosts from a Distributed Filesystem" at the Monday poster session.  This work in progress aims to accelerate the use of containers on HPC clusters by sharing images and metadata within a parallel filesystem.