Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Searching for Exo-Planets with Makeflow and Work Queue

Students at the University of Arizona made use of Makeflow and Work Queue to build an image processing pipeline on the Chameleon cloud testbed at TACC.

The course project was to build an image processing pipeline to accelerate the research of astronomer Jared Males, who designs instruments to search for exo-planets by observing the changes in appearance of a star.  This results in hundreds of thousands of images of a single star, which must then be processed in batch to eliminate noise and align the images.

The students built a solution (Find-R) which consumed over 100K CPU-hours on Chameleon, distributed using Makeflow and Work Queue.

Read more here:

Friday, March 18, 2016

Parrot talk at OSG All-hands meeting 2016

Ben Tovar gave a talk on using parrot to access CVMFS as part of the Open Science Grid (OSG) all-hands meeting in Clemson, SC.

Software access with parrot and CVMFS