The software may be downloaded here:
This minor release adds several features and bug fixes. Among them:
- [Catalog] Catalog server communication is now done using JSON encoded queries and replies. (Douglas Thain)
- [Makeflow] --skip-file-check added to mitigate overhead on network file systems. (Nick Hazekamp)
- [Makeflow] Added amazon batch job interface. (Charles Shinaver)
- [Resource Monitor] Network bandwidth, bytes received, and sent are now recorded. (Ben Tovar)
- [Work Queue] Tasks may be grouped into categories, for resource control and fast abort. (Ben Tovar)
- [Work Queue] work_queue_pool was renamed to work_queue_factory. (Douglas Thain)
- [Work Queue] --condor-requirements to specify arbitrary HTCondor requirements in worker_queue_factory. (Chao Zheng)
- [Work Queue] --factory-timeout to terminate worker_queue_factory when no master is active. (Neil Butcher)
- [Work Queue] Compile-time option to specify default local settings in sge_submit_workers. (Ben Tovar)
- [Umbrella] Several bugfixes. (Haiyan Meng, Alexander Vyushkov)
- [Umbrella] Added OSF, and S3 communication. (Haiyan Meng)
- [Umbrella] Added EC2 execution engine. (Haiyan Meng)
- [Parrot] Several bug-fixes for memory mappings. (Patrick Donnelly)
- [Parrot] All compiled services are shown under / (Tim Shaffer)
- [Parrot] POSIX directory semantics. (Tim Shaffer)
- [Parrot] Added new syscalls from Linux kernel 4.3. (Patrick Donnelly)
Thanks goes to the contributors for many features, bug fixes, and tests:
- Jakob Blomer
- Neil Butcher
- Patrick Donnelly
- Nathaniel Kremer-Herman
- Nicholas Hazekamp
- Peter Ivie
- Kevin Lannon
- Haiyan Meng
- Tim Shaffer
- Douglas Thain
- Ben Tovar
- Alexander VyushkovRodney Walker
- Mathias Wolf
- Anna Woodard
- Chao Zheng
Please send any feedback to the CCTools discussion mailing list: